Abstract Expressionists We Love: Samuel Kizza

on July 24, 2023

Samuel Kizza
Kampala, Uganda

(Guest post by Galerie Stein's featured artist, Beth W. Stewart)

I started painting while doing research in Uganda. For eight years, I travelled back and forth between Canada and Uganda, even living in Gulu (northern Uganda) for a while with my three kids and their father. I have consequently always been on the lookout for Ugandan abstract artists. There are artists across the continent creating beautiful and unique paintings, but they sadly don't get much attention in the West. So, I'm adding a new occasional series of posts on the Galerie Stein blog that features African Abstract Expressionists. Samuel Kizza from Uganda is the first one. 

african contemporary abstract expressionism artist samuel kizza

'Primroses' by Samuel Kizza.

Samuel's paintings are explosions of joyful colors. In true expressive form, he explains that "[p]ainting is a remedy which I feel I should take every single day." He paints with inspiration from his lived experiences, which includes travel to game parks, historical African cities, and ancient African societies. While some of his paintings are impressionist-style landscapes, its his expressive paintings that catch my eye the most.

african contemporary abstract expressionism artist samuel kizza

'Let's Get Together' by Samuel Kizza.

There's a timelessness to Samuel's Abstract Expressionist paintings, and a feeling of groundlessness. In this way, each painting feels like a journey through emotions and experiences. Some paintings suggest a moody contemplativeness, while others feel like pure joy. 

Check out Samuel's art on Saatchi: saatchiart.com/samuelkisuge


Beth W. Stewart
Galerie Stein Featured Artist

Galerie Stein will be presenting several contemporary Abstract Expressionist artists both virtually at GalerieStein.com and in our gallery in Montreal in 2024.

Contact: Pete Stein, Galerie Stein at peter@GalerieStein.com