Abstract Art Wallpaper: Beyond a Statement Piece

on July 22, 2024

For years, I've championed the power of abstract art to challenge perspectives and spark conversation. But lately, I've noticed a fascinating trend: abstract art is taking over the world of interior design, specifically in the form of wallpaper. 

I'm talking about abstract art wallpaper as a kind of mural, like you see in the below image. Gone are the days of floral prints and damask patterns on wallpaper. The digital detail from a high-quality scan or photograph of an original abstract painting can transform almost any painting into stunning wallpaper. 

Abstract art wallpaper by abstract expressionist artist Jeffrey Tover

Imagining 'Newport Beach' by Galerie Stein's featured artist, Jeffrey Tover, as abstract art wallpaper. 


Versatility of Abstract Art Wallpaper

Just imagine the bold colors, geometric shapes, and swirling textures spread across the entire wall behind your sofa or statement wall of your dining room. One of the best parts of this movement is its versatility in terms of size, style, color, and  tone. Want a calming atmosphere in your bedroom? Opt for soft blues and muted tones. Craving an energetic entryway? Embrace a vibrant splash of contrasting colors.

Abstract art wallpaper by Vancouver-based abstract expressionist artist Beth W. Stewart

Imagining 'Transgressions of the ordinary' by Galerie Stein's artist, Beth W. Stewart, as abstract art wallpaper. 


Endless Possibilities of Abstract Art Wallpaper

The best part? You're not limited to replicating famous masterpieces. There's a wealth of independent artists creating stunning, unique designs that can reflect your own personality and aesthetic. So next time you're redecorating, consider ditching the traditional and letting abstract art make a statement—right on your walls.

Abstract art wallpaper by Vancouver-based abstract expressionist artist Beth W. Stewart
Imagining 'A Place for Stories III' by Galerie Stein's artist, Beth W. Stewart, as abstract art wallpaper. 

Pete Stein
Founder, Galerie Stein

Galerie Stein will be presenting several contemporary abstract expressionist artists both virtually at GalerieStein.com and in our gallery in Montreal in 2024.
Contact: Pete Stein at peter@GalerieStein.com



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