Abstract Expressionists We Love: Henri Wagner

on March 20, 2023

Henri Wagner
Paris, France

Henri Wagner's art is a fascinating interplay between boldness and serene nuances, and I love this kind of tension. Wagner's pieces are made from a variety of art materials inspired by graffiti, including spray paint, coating, gesso, and more. His artistic approach extends beyond to sculpture in which he skillfully layers materials, which he makes look easy but actually belies his thoughtful and intentional craftsmanship.

Abstract Expressionism artist Henri Wagner

Untitled by Henri Wagner, 2021.

I find Wagner's unconventional manipulation of imagery intriguing. He navigates the delicate balance between soft and hard, movement and stillness, and loose and firm, while seamlessly blending an array of materials. The result is a composition that exudes a tranquil ambiance.

Abstract Expressionism artist Henri Wagner

Untitled by Henri Wagner, 2022.

I'm drawn into Wagner's artwork beyond the visual stimuli. In true Abstract Expressionist fashion, I encounter his work as an immersive experience—like a performance without a defined endpoint, yet immensely gratifying to absorb. 

Check out more of Henri Wagner's work at instagram.com/henri.wagner_


Pete Stein
Founder, Galerie Stein

Galerie Stein will be presenting several contemporary Abstract Expressionist artists both virtually at GalerieStein.com and in our gallery in Montreal in 2024.

Contact: Pete Stein - Galerie Stein at peter@GalerieStein.com


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