Abstract Expressionists We Love: Norma Alonzo

on June 05, 2023

Norma Alonzo
San Diego, CA, United States

Abstract Expressionist painter Norma Alonzo is a Mexican-American who hails from San Diego. I love color in paint, so I was immediately drawn to Norma’s colorful work. According to her, her use of color stems from the vibrant, sunny landscapes of San Diego. “Surrounded by this kaleidoscope, I cultivated a deep appreciation for color,” she says reflecting on her creative roots in a 2018 interview with Art Reveal Magazine.

Contemporary Abstract Expressionism artist Norma Alonzo

By Norma Alonzo.

Norma also has a degree in Interior Design, which explains some of the hints of a design aesthetic I’ve noticed in her paintings—color choices, shapes, texture, and beautifully-balanced compositions.

That being said, she clearly paints from her gut, informed by her diverse creative background and various artistic pursuits. Her work feels to me like she’s exploring expressions of emotions and the state of being in the moment. Perhaps because of her sunny, happy environment, her expressions seem to produce paintings that are rather joyful.

Contemporary Abstract Expressionism artist Norma Alonzo

By Norma Alonzo.

Check out more of Norma’s work on her website: normaalonzo.com


Pete Stein
Founder, Galerie Stein

Galerie Stein will be presenting several contemporary Abstract Expressionist artists both virtually at GalerieStein.com and in our gallery in Montreal in 2024.
Contact: Pete Stein at peter@GalerieStein.com


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