Abstract Expressionists We Love: Sophie Crichton

on September 04, 2023

Sophie Crichton
Barcelona, Spain

Sophie Crichton, originally from Toronto, currently lives and paints in Barcelona. Crichton caught our attention with a distinctive urban feel to her abstract expressionist paintings that hint at graffiti, tangled wires, posters on walls, and the vibrant life of street culture. 

contemporary abstract expressionism artist Sophie Crichton

Characterized by bright colors, layers, and expressive lines, Sophie's layers of large gestural lines and spray paint contrast with detailed mark-making. Sometimes she includes symbols and popular iconography, which is not my favorite thing, but it works. Her bright, airy large-scale paintings capture the sunny and free-spirited existence that Sophie recounts as her life in Barcelona.

Sophie describes her process as beginning in a flow state in which she incorporates her body's movements and all the splashes and spills that go along with that. As a painting evolves, she transitions from intuition to intentionality, which involves layers of mark-making. 

contemporary abstract expressionist artist Sophie Crichton

Check out more of Sophie's work on Instagram: instagram.com/mindfuzzz. We think she's absolutely amazing, and hope that you love her work as much as we do. 

Pete Stein
Founder, Galerie Stein

Galerie Stein will be presenting several contemporary Abstract Expressionist artists both virtually at GalerieStein.com and in our gallery in Montreal in 2024.
Contact: Pete Stein at peter@GalerieStein.com


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