Alluring Transgressions: Abstract Modern Art

on July 29, 2024

I've always been attracted to the innovation and influence of abstract modern art. What makes it "modern" lies the transgressions of abstractionthe defiance of conventional boundarieschallenging the way we see and feel. This is why abstract modern art is a cornerstone of contemporary aesthetics.


The "Modern" in Abstract Modern Art

"Modern" in its colloquial sense implies the present or the immediate past. In history, "modern" refers to the period since the Industrial Revolution, or the First World War, depending on which historian you ask. In art, "modern" usually refers to the modernist movement in which art (visual art, literature, architecture, and music) transgresses long-held creative norms.

Modernist movement example of modern architecture, Einstein Tower Observatory in Postdam, Germany. Opened  in 1921.

An example of early modernist architecture—Einstein Tower Observatory in Postdam, Germany, opened in 1921.

While the modernist movement is sometimes narrowly defined, the modern label is often applied loosely to refer to art that is unconventional. Abstract expressionist art (my favorite, of course) falls within both the modernist movement and the loose definition of modern art.  


Modernism and Abstract Modern Art

The modernist movement's artists revolutionized the art world. Like Piet Mondrian and his geometric compositions of simple lines and primary colors that project a sense of universal harmony and balance amidst an increasingly urbanized and unpredictable world.

Abstract modern art artist Piet Mondrian

'Composition with large red plane, yellow, black, grey, and blue' by abstract modern artist Piet Mondrian, 1921.

Similarly, abstract expressionist Helen Frankenthaler brought a new level of fluidity and luminosity to abstract painting with her color stain technique. Her paintings manage to embody a sense of movement and emotion. Another example is abstract modern artist Kazimir Malevich, whose Suprematist works explore pure abstraction and the supremacy of shape and color.

Abstract modern art artist Helen Frankenthaler

Abstract modern artist Helen Frankenthaler in her studio 1974.

Abstract modern art artist Kazimir Malevich

'Bureau and room' by abstract modern artist Kazimir Malevich, 1913.

These artists, among countless others, paved the way for the lasting popularity of abstract modern art. Those early examples demonstrated that abstraction can convey and evoke complex narratives and emotions. For me, abstract modern art is about the freedom to interpret and the power of visual expression. 


Pete Stein
Founder, Galerie Stein

Galerie Stein will be presenting several contemporary abstract expressionist artists both virtually at and in our gallery in Montreal in 2024.
Contact: Pete Stein at


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